Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Very Favorite Place in Seguin

I love visiting our Seguin Guadalupe County Library. The staff is so knowledgeable, helpful and friendly (sometimes I think I just go to say a 'howdy' to them!). There are MANY services the library offers in addition to borrowing books and doing research in reference books. When we first moved here, I spent time in the genealogy section of the library and found among the genealogy books, Seguin Matador yearbooks, women's club scrapbooks, and file drawers with Seguin newsclippings. I dare say that my first glimpse of the town that was to be my home was initially seen at the library.
"A library book...is not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out in life, is their only capital."
— Thomas JEFFERSON (1743-1826)

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