Book Gluttony! Are your eyes bigger than your book belly? Do you have a habit of buying up books far quicker than you could possibly read them? Have you had to curb your book buying habits until you can catch up with yourself? Or are you a controlled buyer, only purchasing books when you have run out of things to read?
I find television to be very educating.
Every time somebody turns on the set,
I go in the other room and read a book.
~Groucho Marx
We lost thousands and thousands of books in the 1998 flood and admittedly there were some books I had not yet read but knew I would read - some day. Do I still buy books at every opportunity? You bet I do.
So many books - so many unexplored worlds . . .
I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. ~Anna Quindlen, "Enough Bookshelves," New York Times, 7 August 1991
Let books be your dining table,
Let books be your dining table,
And you shall be full of delights
Let them be your mattress
And you shall sleep restful nights.
~Author Unknown
Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. ~Henry Ward Beecher
Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing. ~Harper Lee