Saturday, February 14, 2009


In the 1920s Girl Scout Founder Juliette Gordon Low began helping the first Girl Scouts raise money to achieve special goals for their troops. The first documented council-wide cookie sale of commercial baked Girl Scout Cookies was in Philadelphia in 1934. The first nationally franchised cookie sale was in 1936. When I purchased these cookies, I was told that the Peanut Butter Cremes (which I love!) had been approved by the Drug Council and the peanuts used were perfectly safe. Yum! Yum!

B.P.O.E and Seguin Firemen

There are so many organizations in Seguin which make a difference in our community - the Elks being one of them.
And how fortunate we are to have dedicated and experienced firemen in our city.
Recently the awards were given at the Elks Club to firemen who made a difference this past year. The volunteer firemen and women work tirelessly alongside our city firemen - indeed Seguin is very fortunate!