Thursday, April 2, 2009
S'mores got their name from
frequent requests for "some more"
whenever they were made.
(1) Place Hershey bars on graham crackers.
(2) Toast marshmallows.
(3) Place toasted marshmallows on Hershey bars to melt chocolate.
(1) Eat Hershey bars.
(2) Eat marshmallows.
(3) Throw graham crackers at other boys.
The Community Working Together
The Loveliest Woman in America
The scrapbooks weren't small and colorful flipbooks people leave around the house so friends can take a peek at the kids; they were huge and heavy, embossed with her name, Rosamond Pinchot Gaston, in gold leaf across forest green covers. The letters are faded now, but through the scrapbooks, I came to know Rosamond like a character in a silent movie. The visuals were spectacular but the silence was deafening.
Down in the River to Pray
I thought the music in O Brother Where Art Thou? was exceptional. I recently watched the movie again on HBO and was reminded of the beautiful river scene and Alison Krauss' lovely voice.
Note: I never did read Homer's Odyssey in its entirety so I can't speak about the Coen brothers faithfulness to the story - although of course the names Ulysses and Penelope resonated!
Whooeee! The WIND!
Hold onto your hats!!