Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Juan Seguin Statue

The focal point in City Park is the statue of Juan Seguin. When we moved to Seguin, we were very impressed with this sculpture - not at that time knowing anything about Juan Seguin.
An Equestrian statue of Juan Seguin was unveiled on Saturday, October 28, 2000. The detailed bronze was still hot enough for Seguin Town Historian Charley Eckhardt to (respectfully) light a cigar from it. Mr. Eckhardt, who was giving us a personal walking tour of Seguin, took time out to call our attention to details in Mr. Seguin's equipment that we certainly would have missed. We have no details on the foundry, cost or how long this project was in the works, but will be glad to include more on this newest addition to Texas' bronze pantheon as the information becomes available to us. Juan Seguin's grave is here in Segiom as well.
[Written by John Troesser, TexasEscapes.com]

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