Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Haywood Shepherd "Possum" Hansell - Family Information

Haywood Shepherd "Possum" Hansell was born September 28, 1903 in Fort Monroe, Virginia. He was educated at Georgia School of Technology, graduating in 1924. He married Dorothy "Dotta" Rogers in 1932 in Waco, Texas.
Haywood Shepherd Hansell was the son of Haywood Shepherd Hansell, Sr. (1875-1868) and Susan Wharton "Suzie" Wilson.
  • Haywood Shepherd Hansell, Sr. was the son of William Andrew Hansell (1843-1907) and Antonia Sabina Jones (1847-1917)
  • William Andrew Hansell was the son of Andrew Jackson Hansell (1815-1881) and Caroline Clifford Shepherd (1821-1899)
  • Andrew Jackson Hansell was the son of William Young Hansell (1794-1867) and Susan Byne Harris (1797-ca1873
  • William Young Hansell was the son of John W. Hansell and Patsy Sammon
Georgia Tech Archives: Class of 1924 Haywood Shepherd Hansell, Jr., Sigma Nu Mechanical Engineering "Possum" Fort Benning, Georgia This boy’s nickname is the most appropriate thing that ever happened. Not that he is ever caught napping, but he certainly looks like his namesake as he makes his appearance for those eight o’clocks. His other qualifications include an ever-present pipe and an operatic tenor, slightly used. Oil Can Club; Scabbard and Blade; Free Body Club; Lieutenant Colonel, R.O.T.C. "Anything to keep from working, even to joining the Army." Major General Haywood Hansell USAF Resources: Blue Print 1924; Actual photo

In my post about my Cherokee ancestor, Richard Bark Foreman, I made mention of Attorney William Young Hansell, who represented the Cherokee nation in their suit against the State of Georgia.

I welcome any readers who come upon this post who are interested in researching these (my) families - would certainly like to exchange and share research information.

William Andrew Hansell Notes

Copied from THE CHILDREN OF PRIDE - A True Story of Georgia & the Civil War, edited by Robert Manson Meyers, published 1972
HANSELL, WILLIAM ANDREW (1843-1907) Merchant, son of Andrew Jackson Hansell (1815-1881) and Caroline Clifford Sheppherd (1821-1899), was born in Marietta, Georgia on August 10, 1843. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was attending the Georgia Military Institute (Marietta); he volunteered for service and became adjutant in the 35th Regiment Alabama Infantry. In August 1862 he entered the corps of engineers as second lieutenant; in June 1864 he came to Atlanta to aid in the city defenses. After the war he planted in northern Alabama; in 1879 he settled in Atlanta, where he engaged in the fertilizer business for twenty-five years. He was a vestryman of St. Philip's Episcopal Church from 1895 until his death. He died in Atlanta on January 4th, 1907, survived by his wife, Antonia Jones (1845-1917) and was buried in Oakland Cemetery. __________________________________________________
Additional information about Haywood Shepherd "Possom" Hansell on Aimless Musings.