Monday, April 27, 2009

Never too young for Shakespeare

My oldest grandson and youngest granddaughter were in a Shakespeare production in Denver a few weeks ago. The grandson played the part of Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet and the granddaughter was Le Beau from As You Like It.
Another granddaughter will be at a Shakespeare Camp in Winedale, Texas this summer.
I know that I certainly didn't know much at all about Shakespeare when I was eight years old (as is youngest granddaughter) and not a great deal more when I was fourteen years old (as is oldest grandson).
My husband and I still remember with delight the twelve year old granddaughter (who will be at the Shakespeare Camp in Winedale) singing non-stop with her older sister on a trip from New York to Massachusetts - never missing a beat and remembering every word to every song. Now: Shakespeare! {This little prodigy also plays the guitar and writes her own songs - sometimes singing at "Open Mike" nights in The Berkshires.}
"And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. "
As You Like It (II.i.1–17)

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